Whoever is responsible for the place and location where you fell may be held responsible for your injury. These include but are not limited to;
Modified comparative negligence means you can seek damages in proportion to the level of negligence the responsible party has exhibited. For example, the defendant may be only 25% responsible for the unsafe conditions which caused your fall and reduce their penalty accordingly. Modified Comparative Negligence recognizes that even though someone is technically responsible, there may have been conditions in effect that were beyond that person’s direct control.
You will have to show that the person responsible for the property where you fell had a duty of care. If, for example, you slipped and fell because of a risk you chose to take, there may be no duty of care. On the other hand, an unexpected fall on unstable terrain could mean they did have a duty of care.
In Wisconsin, a landowner or other responsible party is not always considered responsible for injuries that happen on the premises. Milwaukee slip and fall lawyers are here to help.
Such a breach would mean that the responsible party caused the unsafe conditions that triggered your fall.