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December 29th, 2022 |

Start the Year Right

Reading Time: 2 minutes

3 Resolutions that are Worth Making


The New Year is here, and every twelve months people go through the mental exercise of trying to make changes, stick to new commitments, and make improvements in their lives with the new day and start of another year. We believe these three resolutions should make the list for 2022

How Often Should you Update Your Estate Plan

  • Create or review and update your estate plan :
    A custom estate plan should not only provide for your loved ones in the event of your death but also express your wishes in case of any incapacity including both financial and health related.
    A will & testament is just one part of an estate plan. When implemented correctly by a trusted Wisconsin estate planning lawyer your estate plan should include a will, potentially a trust, a health care and a financial power of attorney, and specific instructions for specific people and situations. If you don’t have an estate plan, are missing one of these essential components of a strong estate plan, or it’s been more than five years since you’ve reviewed your estate plan, now is the time to take action.
  • Hire a Law Firm for Life :What impacts one member of the family typically impacts all the members of the family. Life situations arise that you may have no control over. At those moments, you want a law firm you can trust on your side to protect and serve not just you, but your entire family. All the experts, all in one place, ready to act on your behalf. McLario’s lawyers bring not just expertise but also caring and compassion to all of their clients and they are devoted to bringing honest, reliable legal representation that you can trust.Whether you’re dealing with a life event, business endeavor, real estate transaction or a personal injury case, McLario brings tremendous experience in all aspects of law. This allows you to focus on what you need for your family. Be sure you have a law firm for life.
  • Don’t Wait for Tomorrow for What can be Done Today The idea of working with an attorney may seem scary, intimidating, costly or unnecessary but it doesn’t have to be. From Milwaukee attorneys, McLario Helm Bertling & Spiegel S.C you can expect clarity, integrity and experience.
    • You will meet with an experienced lawyer
    • You won’t be sold
    • You will gain an understanding of your situation and the next steps
    • You will understand what it will cost
    • You will feel educated to make the best decision for you

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